Have you ever heard about the part-time jobs such as giving wake-up calls or trying clinical demonstration or flavor tester? If you are searching for an odd job like those, focus on this corner. CBT will introduce abnormal part-time jobs of the campus. At first, the monitoring work for the dormitory restaurant is researching the menu and health control. However, it is only for dormitory students. The programs for scholarship students are doing the odd jobs as well as cleaning the offices. The Center for Research Facilities employs the students, has the mechanical equipment and analyzes instruments. Also, there are other jobs like updating the homepage of employment for management and helping the states of mind test at the Human Resource Development Center. The Disability Support Center offers work to help disabled students. You also can seek a part time job like managing the bulletin boards and the banners on campus. What about killing three birds with one stone; helping the school, accumulating experience and having money during your idle hours?