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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.09.03 È­ 11:53
Society & Global
Society & Global Section
Mr. Mo, an anonymous student of CBNU, lives alone, away from his parents, to attend university. He wakes up at 7 A.M. on weekdays for morning classes. He must get up with no one¡¯s help, so he sets his alarm to repeat every 5 minutes. He usually eats his meals at the cafeteria. The reason why he prefers eating his meals at the cafeteria is because eating out is more expensive than eating at the school cafeteria.
The Financial Supervisory Service announced ¡®Different ratio of financial credit loans for each age group¡¯. According to them, 31% of loans to people in their twenties were occurring at savings banks or loan companies. With information from last June, 16.2% consumers in their 20s and 30s borrowed from savings banks and 14.6% borrowed from companies.
Lately, some dating applications have been attracting lots of people. This is a new style of dating based on social network services(SNS). These dating applications give people some good services from the most basic ways to the more complex ways. For instance, people who want to date someone can figure out whether he or she fits with them well or not by searching for some information such as marital status, personality and appearance.
A university freshman, Lee, has been preparing for the overseas program since last year. However, he was shocked at the news that TOEIC is going through a major revision. The change felt so unfair to him because his seniors had the chance to study the unorthodox techniques for higher marks. ETS had promised that the test difficulty would remain the same.
In our country, accidents caused by the obsession with being fast have been a continuously troubling problem. One of the biggest issues in 2011 was caused by the 30-minute delivery guarantee rule of Dominos. A teenage pizza delivery rider died on the spot after being hit by a bus.
How much time do people spend on Social Network Services(SNS)? Recently, as smartphones have become more popular, many people come into contact with SNS more easily than in the past. Although many problems related to SNS addiction are occurring, there are people who get things they want by using SNS actively
Arthur John Patterson, who has been strongly considered as a murder suspect for an Itaewon murder, was finally convicted 19 years after the murder happened in 1997. When Patterson was 18 years old, he was suspected of murdering a 22-year-old man, Cho Choong-pill, who was attending Hongik University.
PEET(Pharmacy Education Eligibility Test) is a test that examines the fundamental eligibilities of students to be educated in the College of Pharmacy. This test first started in 2009 with a reorganization of the 4-year pharmacy school into a 6-year program. The existing 4-year pharmacy schools were abolished and students who completed 2 years in other colleges or universities have a qualification to take PEET.
Recently, celebrities gambled and it affected society. Three Samsung Lions baseball players missed a recent game. It caused the club to lose the game, and fans of the club were disappointed. The prosecution and the police expanded the range of the investigation, which was gambling by baseball players. 12 businessmen also gambled overseas in a gambling house. They gambled about 50 billion won.
Halloween originated from Samhain, a custom festival of ancient Celts. Celts regarded Halloween as the last day of a year, and they appeased dead souls and cast out demons by having a ceremony. People who were afraid of demons decorated themselves strangely like demons to confuse the demons.
This year¡¯s Nobel Prize season ended. Some Chinese and Japanese candidates were selected as Nobel Prize winners. Japan has had 21 Nobel Prize winners including this season. Nevertheless, Korea, which is sandwiched between Japan and China, hasn¡¯t produced any Nobel Prize winners yet.
Maruta. It means logs in Japanese. In general, many people know Maruta means subjects who were sacrificed in human trials by Unit 731, which developed biological weapons in the Second World War. The Japanese military officers named the living-body tests as Maruta tests because they saw the human bodies as logs.
In August, an incident occurred that angered South Koreans. It was a water park hidden camera incident. A video captured the appearance of women around a dressing room and shower room at a water park. The video was outlawed by overseas sites. The water park found the video and declared it directly to the police.
Kim Mu-sung, a representative of Saenuri Party, agreed that it is necessary that a neutral government-authorized Korean history textbook for students should be introduced to prevent confusion about biased history education.
A young man started a business with nothing and swept the Japanese market with gum and chocolate. He invested much money earned from Japan in South Korea and made a big business based in South Korea and Japan. The enterprise is now ranked fifth in South Korea with annual sales of 83 trillion won,
The statute of limitations on murder cases was abolished. That is, the enactment of the so-called Taewan Law was passed on July 24th. Taewan, whom the law is named after, was doused with sulfuric acid all over his body from an unknown assailant in an alley in Daegu on May 20th, 1999.
Nowadays, one of the hottest issues in Korea is the reform of the public pension. The group directly influenced by the reform is only government officials, but it became a social issue because other people who are indirectly influenced by the reform also have an interest in it. For example, there are the officials¡¯ families,
On May 4th, the Chungcheongbukdo Provincial Office disclosed information about public facilities drinking water. The 8 places did not pass a water purity examination. In Cheongju, 5 places did not pass that examination(Myeongsim Neighborhood Park, Wooam Mountain¡¯s trail, Sacheondong Apartment and mountain fortress trail).
With an increasing interest on environmental protection these days, there are various programs related to it. One program that I want to introduce is the environmental and ecological experience program at the Musim River
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