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Do You Wonder Effective Ways to Give a Presentation?
Á¦ 133 È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012.05.26 

Presentations are necessary for university students in their studying. Although it depends on the characteristics of their majors, students are required to show their presentations at least 1 to 3 times in a semester. In addition, what we need even in job hunting and in the office is presentation skills.
To learn how to make a good presentation, the Chungbuk Times (CBT) reporters visited Kim Mi-sung, the author of 'Unbeaten Presentation Skills' and a so-called 'expert of presentations'. Currently, she is coaching many university students, prosecutors and businessmen as she is the president of Entry Consulting.-Ed

The starting point to be an expert in presentations
How I became interested in presentations and communication is pretty special. My first job was for Korean Air. While I went abroad by plane, I felt that Korean children and foreign children have very different ways of communication. For example, when a flight attendant asks 7-year-old Korean kids what they want to drink, kid's parents prevent kids from sweet beverages even before the kids choose them. You see that children's parents in Korea take the lead in communication instead of their children. By comparison, foreign children exactly express their intentions such as what kinds of drinks the airline has or what beverage is good. I began to have an interest in presentations and communication after starting to worry about Korean's wrong way of communication. I started my lectures about presentation skills after resigning from the airline.
What is a presentation for Kim Mi-sung?

I define a presentation as a proposal. Just delivering information through presentations is a failure. When the audience is moved by the presentation, I think that is success. Why do you think men propose to their girlfriends to marry them? That is for permission of marriage. And for that reason, they have to impress girls by conducting thorough analysis in advance. For instance, the men need to figure out if women like a brand-name bag or an emotional present. Men will have a successful proposal when they investigate enough. If he goes to a mountain with a woman who prefers beaches, she will be unsatisfied.
It works in presentations, too. Presenters must apprehend what the audience wants from a presentation. Let me give an example. For a student, it is important to think about what a professor wants to hear from him or her in the presentation instead of speaking fluently. Many people mistake the presenter as an announcer. However, they think communication with the audience is more important in the presentation after they recognize what the audience wants.
Factors making a good presentation

Many people believe giving much information in the presentation is good, but delivering information which the audience wants is more important. Set a goal and make an outline after you comprehend what the audience wants. Afterward, make slides with what you want to show in detail under the outline.
While I coach the students, I tell them to be leaders not readers. I sometimes find presenters reading organized reports. It is important to make your presentation on your own before you present it.
Posture is also very important. Do not shake your legs, and be respectful. Also, it is good to be sure to articulate the dynamics in the presentation.
Too many showy presentation skills are not welcome. People often produce presentation files with ornate animation effects which take more attention away from the data.
What is important for communication?

What I consider as a key-point for presentations and conversation is smooth communication with the audience. Listening skills are also required because the analysis of the audience is most important. Therefore, presenters need to have many conversations to understand what the audience wants to know. I believe that when people are on the same page in a conversation, they recognize it is real communication. 
Another key is forming a bond of sympathy with the other party. For example, my bond of sympathy with the CBT reporters who visited my office is the Cheongju and the Chungbuk National University (CBNU) bond. Cheongju is my hometown, and CBNU is the university which many of my friends attended. When there is no common interest in a conversation, people in conversations will have difficulties keeping a comfortable atmosphere. They have to bring up a new topic of conversation to have the bond of sympathy between them. Foreign celebrities talk about foods such as Kimchi and Bulgogi, which is a good way to start a conversation with Koreans when they come to Korea. They implement this strategy to get along with Koreans, and Koreans sincerely feel that they are tight with us even though it is only the first time to talk with them. 
Tips for job interviews

Nowadays, many interviewees use presentations for interviews. Employers recommend interviewees to use presentations to check how they communicate with each other. When I interview applicants, I can see two types of people. Some people don't hear others' stories and assert their own points of view, and the other type talks and listens carefully to others' and gathers the anyone else's opinion. Of course, interviewers give the latter high grades. To communicate properly is important when people have interviews.
The worst is when interviewees give stock answers. Interviewees must have their own special stories. Over the past three or four years, most students tell stories of working holidays in the interviews. Interviewers cannot help but be annoyed because they have heard that story many times in recent years. Interviewees should have their own special stories, for example when you went to university and experienced the frustrations of studying and grades, so you took time off from school and took a trip to the Himalayas. I suggest many students accumulate their individual experiences when they go to university. Students need experiences which will help fulfilling their dreams. For example, if you want to work at a consulting company, you should teach children who are bad-off or teach Korean language to foreigners for free. Those experiences will help you to find employment.
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