This 2023 Gaesin Daedong Festival was held from Sep. 25 to the 26. The name of the festival was BPM, which stands for ¡°Become a Piece of Memory¡± and the concept of the festival was heart rate. There were many booths and contents representing the university, various companies, student organizations and so on. The university booth included the Office of International Affairs, information for multi major students, and academic consultation. The booth of companies focused on Bio-PRIDE company track. The booth managed by CBNU students included an instant-photo booth with the CBNU mascot Woowangyi, and a magic show booth. In all, there were about 30 booths, food trucks, the flea markets of the university consumer cooperative, photo zones, an event for drawing the CBNU mascot, and a ghost house. Also, there were students¡¯ club performances, a song festival and the performance of famous artists like 10CM, Dynamic Duo, YB and so on. Gaesin Daedong Festival was a festival where enrolled students and local residents were exuberant because everyone could have a special and unique experience that people could not usually experience in daily life. There was a concerted effort by the Festival Preparatory Committee to make the Gaesin Daedong Festival an unforgettable event.
CBT interviewed one of them, Kim Min-wi, the booth management team leader of the Festival Preparatory Committee.
Q1. Please introduce yourself briefly.
I am the president of the student council of CBNU¡¯s College of Humanities and vice chairperson of the emergency committee of the student council. I took charge of the booth management team in the Gaesin Daedong Festival Preparatory Committee this year. The booth management team managed the various booths, and was affectionately called ¡°the flower of Gaesin Daedong Festival.¡±
Q2. How was the Festival Preparatory Committee organized? Additionally, please explain about the procedure of preparing for this Gaesin Daedong Festival?
The Preparatory Committee was organized in June last year, and was solely selected by the student council members of college. Their first responsibility was to select a name for the event that emphasized the underlying concept. They decided on naming it the Gaesin Daedong Festival. The preparatory committee was divided into various teams including planning, public relations, management of traffic etc., external cooperation, and general affairs. The logistics included the following: First, the stage management team was responsible for the program and booth management, and they choreographed the composition of the stage and the song festival as a whole. Second, public relations oversaw video, promotion materials and card news via Instagram. Third, the general planning took charge of facility and traffic management and they took care of the ghost house. Fourth, external cooperation was responsible for outreach to the community and sponsors. Finally, general affairs helped to support all other teams in general and to come up with an outline of the festival. In conclusion, all the committees made a huge effort to plan and execute a successful festival without any incidents.
Q3. What was the most rememberable experience while preparing this Gaesin Daedong Festival? Also, did the absence of a student council hamper your work in any way?
First of all, it was a memorable experience for the festival preparatory committee to recruit celebrities. We had to find celebrities who were available on the dates of the CBNU Gaesin Daedong Festival. We contacted 10CM, Dynamic duo and YB. That process may not a common experience, and it was a new and fun adventure. Creating videos, and editing them was also memorable experiences. This was managed by the Public Relations Team. Third, there was the challenge of finding sponsors and negotiating with the top executives of some companies. Finally, the experience of having auditions for the song festival. I was a leader of the booth management team, but I was also involved in the auditions. There were about 60 students who auditioned for this song festival. Even though there was no student council this year, we had many capable participants who helped everything go smoothly.
Q4. In your opinion, what was the highlight of this Gaesin Daedong Festival?
To sum up, every single feature of the festival was a highlight in its own right. Students could relieve their stress, enjoy time with their friends, and encounter the best contemporary performers in Korea. I would say that the Gaesin Daedong Festival was the highlight as a whole.
By Yu So-won
By Choi Yun-ji