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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.09.03 È­ 11:53
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Can You Hear My Love?
Á¦ 132 È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2012.04.28 

Everyone feels excited without a reason in spring, when cherry blossoms are in full bloom in the warm sunshine and the wind blows gently. That¡¯s why spring is called the season of dating. Moreover, in the coming May, love will bloom like spring flowers busting out, and many couples will go on dates or get married. When men and women fall in love, what do they firstly consider? Are both men and women¡¯s standards to judge their dates the same? After the beginning of love, what causes friction? The Chungbuk Times reported them to satisfy these curiosities.
Women's standards of how they judge their dates and husbands-to-be

Among a hundred women, 63 answered that they consider 'personality' the most important factor when they are on a date. It counts for over half. Jeong Hye-in(Dept. of Public Administration '11) said, "The reason why I choose 'personality' is because, if he has a good personality, he is likely to understand me well and we are not likely to fight often." Others who chose 'personality' said, "Handsome men seem to have bad personalities," or "I find him attractive only when his personality is compatible with mine."
'Appearance' held second rank winning 13 votes. Kim Sin-u(Dept. of Arts '11) said, "Once I have a good first impression, I think I can maintain that feeling on dates."
Women chose 'personality' as the most important standard when they decide on husbands, which is the same with the standard for a date. Kim Min-ji(Dept. of Korean Language and Literature '07) said, "To make a harmonious family, his personality should be compatible with mine." Others who chose 'personality' said, "My husband is a person who I will live with for my whole life, so I hope we will have great chemistry together," or "I want his personality to be similar with mine that I like to talk."
'Financial means' as a standard for marriage held second rank. Lee Eun-jeong(School of Business '11) said, "If a man has a strong enough sense of responsibility delete to lead a family, he should spare financial means."
Men's standards of how they judge their dates and wives-to-be

Among a hundred men, 32 answered that they consider his 'personality' the most important factor when they are on a date. Kwon Sun-tae(Dept. of Mathematics Education '09) said, "In a situation, where I'm on a date, and I've already had a good feeling for her, our mutually well-suited personalities are more important than appearance or financial means." Others who chose 'personality' said, "I like a woman who understands me," or "Good personality can cover any other conditions."
'Appearance' held second rank winning 30 votes. Youn Seok-ho(Dept. of Plant Medicine '10) said, "The reason why I chose appearance is because visual impressions are the first feeling. After getting older, it can be changed. However, I still think appearance is the most important for dates."
Men chose 'personality' as the most important standard when they decided on wives, which is the same with the standard for dates. Kim Seon-yong(Dept. of Exercise Science '10) said, "Marriage is different from a date. Her personality should be compatible with mine because my wife should be a person who I will live for my whole life." Others who chose personality said, "Even though he meets other conditions, both of us will be happy if his personality aren¡¯t compatible with mine," or "There are many divorces because of the difference of personalities, so I think personality is the important thing for happy marriages."
It was 'financial means' that men considered as a second priority, which are the same with women. Yang Seo-hyeong(Dept. of Urban Engineering '10) said, ¡°Marriage is realistic, which is different from a date, so to live happily, financial means should be supported."
Making a slip of the tongue when men and women date
Perhaps people remember boyfriends or girlfriends who got angry or sulked because of unknown reasons. The reason was that both men and women didn't know the love that their lovers needed. When boyfriends or girlfriends don't understand their lover's minds, both men and women are easily hurt and damaged.
Let's look at a dialogue.

M : ¡°I reserved two seats for the musical that you wanted to see.¡±
W : "Huh? Didn't you say you'd be busy today because of homework and an appointment with your friends?"
M : "Yes. However, I canceled the appointment because you wanted to see the musical. After watching the musical, I will go home and do my homework."
W : "What an irresponsible thing to say!"
M : "Why? You told me you'd like to meet me and to see the musical."
W : "Even so, I have already made an appointment with my friend because you were busy!"
M : ¡°What???¡±

A woman who doesn't know about the love that he wants can't understand how her words wound his feelings. When boyfriends decide or handle something by themselves, a common mistake is to criticize and try to change it as in the above instance. Men feel unloved by their lovers when there is this kind of situation. If women criticize their lovers instead of encourage them, men would be hurt when they tried to grapple with the problems themselves. Particularly, figures of heroes or knights for women are in all men's minds. Most of all, men want to do a bang-up job protecting their lovers. When women understand these parts about men, women can know why men have become disaffected and can be considerate of men a little more.
Women are easy to make mistakes when they don't understand the basic requirements of men. Men also make similar mistakes as women.
Let's look at another instance.

W : "I am so tired these days. Perhaps because it's spring."
M : (Searching on the Internet by smart phone,) "Umm, I see."
W : "Oh, I don't want to study while midterms are near at hand."
M : "Yes, yes. Me, too." (After answering, man averts his eyes from her to his smart phone.)
W : "Huh! Are you listening to me? Are you falling out of love with me?"
M : "What are you talking about all of a sudden? Shall I say what you said?"
W : "What???"

Men often make a mistake of not listening carefully to women's stories. Although a man in this instance talked with a woman, he listened inattentively and was distracted. In addition, he never showed interest in her questions. In this situation, the woman was disappointed with him and was doubtful whether he loved her. Women hope men listen to their stories and make good eye contact. Men can't find desirable solutions about their stories. If men agree enthusiastically with women's stories, women will certainly feel that women are loved by their lovers.
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