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Expecting A better Future of The Chungbuk Times!
Á¦ È£    ¹ßÇàÀÏ : 2011.10.29 

 Our English newspaper 'The Chungbuk Times(CBT)' celebrated its 32nd anniversary while CBNU celebrated its 60th anniversary this year. Although CBT has a long history representing more than half of our school¡¯s history, readers have not provided proper feedback on CBT. We are going to seek a solution to develop our English newspaper by introducing the history of CBT and receiving feedback from readers in our 128th newspaper. -Ed
The history of CBT
 The Department of English Education autonomously launched a newspaper, called 'The Chungbuk Times', on December 20th in 1973. At that time, a club of that department issued the newspaper. Around 1979, CBNU made the club an affiliate of the university, so CBT began to be published our official English newspaper on campus. The 100th edition was published
on October 29th in 2008.
Q1. What page do you enjoy reading?
Byun Ho-seung(a professor of the Department of Education) - My most memorable article is the interview with Kim Jin-bae on page 5 in the 125th issue. He reminded me of a basic principle of humor by saying, ¡°Always respect others and lower yourself.¡± Furthermore, the article let me know there are various jobs in the world. I also enjoy reading page 7.
Timothy Main(a professor of the Department of English Language and Literature) - I enjoy reading articles/interviews with successful people who have advice for CBNU students.
Erika Lee(a professor of the CBNU center for International Affairs) - I like biographies and autobiographies on a regular basis so I love reading the interview articles on page 4.
Timothy Crawford(a professor of the Department of English Education) - I read the page 7 first because it¡¯s interesting to hear what students are thinking. I think it is helpful for teachers to have some knowledge of their students¡¯ opinions and interests. I can¡¯t remember the title, but there was an article about passive voice in an editorial corner last year.  I had already written an article on the same subject, but it was interesting to get a Korean professor¡¯s perspective.
Wilfried Skor (a professor of the Department of German Language and Literature) - The first thing I read is ¡°A word to the wisdom of English¡± on page 6 because the piece helps to improve English language skills. For me it is a good means to get to know campus-news, as my knowledge of Korean is poor.
Kim Ah-rum(a student of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature) - I read with great interest pages 5 and 7. I know the page 5 requires a great deal of care from reporters so I am attached to the page. On page 7, especially the desk column always catches my eye with its novel ideas. 
Sarah - I read an article about Itaewon months ago which I thought was interesting as I didn¡¯t visit at that time. The article was very informative and I myself visited Itaewon during the summer.
Nilay(a student of the Department of German Language and Literature) - ¡°An immigrant worker works to advocate human rights¡± is really a memorable article for me on page 4 in the 126th newspaper. Knowing that someone is fighting for protection of human rights made me happy.
Kim Jin-cheol(a student of the Department of Information and Communication Engineering) - I read the article titled ¡°My First Exotic Holiday in the Tropics¡± impressively on page 6 in the 126th newspaper. I was one of the attendees of the short program for training overseas, so that article brought me a wealth of delightful memories. I also carefully read pages 1 to 3.
Q2. Do you think CBNU needs to keep publishing our English newspaper?
Byun Ho-seung - In this era of globalization, the newspaper needs to exist in order to inform foreign students and professors of news about CBNU and help students to have a sense of friendliness toward English.
Timothy Main - I think that the newspaper needs to exist and I wish that more students would take the time to read it. When it comes to studying a language, the more sources we have, the better we make progress. Taking up the challenge to produce an English language newspaper every month is huge and the editor and reporters deserve a lot of respect!
Song Yang-hoon - Most of all, the newspaper is necessary for foreign students on campus.
Kim Ah-rum - I worked in CBT as a reporter when I was a freshman, so I had an opportunity to read other universities' English newspapers. Lots of distinguished universities in Korea are publishing English newspapers, so I think CBNU should continue to issue the English newspaper. The English newspaper helps students take an interest in English and have diversified views.
Sarah - Having an English newspaper has been handy for international students like me. I'm updated on the school happenings and at times also get to deepen my understanding on the Korean culture. I'm a student from Malaysia, and, since my proficiency in the Korean language is low, the CBT has been handy. I live at the international students' dormitory and I've seen some students who read the English newspaper.
Nilay - Foreign students are wondering what is happening on campus but they have difficulty in hearing the news because they can't understand Korean well. Therefore, the newspaper should exist on campus to help them.  
Q3. Do you have any comments about our English newspaper?
Byun Ho-seung - I suggest covering the subjects reflecting foreign students' lives and receiving opinions from them. I hope that CBT will make various attempts when editing the newspaper rather than just keeping previous editorial standards. Our students don't seem to read the newspaper very often. I think the reason is associated with their poor reading ability in English.
Timothy Main - I would love to see a little more 'depth' in the articles.  I know that it is hard to dig deeply into every subject, but at times I feel like some of the information is too general.
Erika Lee - Keep up the good work! I was surprised because all reporters take their work very seriously.
Song Yang-hoon - CBT should write articles which are easy for students to understand and deal with subjects which students are interested in. I think CBT had better cover foreign students' columns in every issue.
Timothy Crawford - I think CBT should make the native speaker article longer. It¡¯s really hard to offer sound advice in so few lines!  Also,  I think the paper should have an events  calender and a man-on-the-street survey section. Sometimes you do, I know, but I think it should become a regular feature for the paper.
Wilfried Skor - I would like to find more information about student¡¯s activities in their leisure time. Please, keep it going.
Sarah - Since this is a university newspaper, there should be a column where students are able to voice their opinions. An entertainment section that is filled with comic strips and crossword puzzles or even a section on fashion would be fun.
Nilay - I wish that CBT will write articles about university life and Korean culture to help foreign students learn about CBNU and Korea. 
 In a survey dated April 1st by the CBNU Center for International Affairs, a total of 626 foreign students were attending CBNU at that time. As a considerable number of readers answered, our English newspaper plays a role as a source which delivers campus news and Korean culture for many foreign students. In addition, our English newspaper helps to expose more Korean students to English, and some professors make use of our English newspaper as their teaching material. Therefore, CBT feels a strong sense of responsibility of writing high quality articles. CBT will  be improved by strengthening each reporters' capabilities through constant education related to writing articles and English composition and getting feedback with readers. CBT really hopes that many readers will gain useful information and joy from our English newspaper. 

By Kong Hae-gyoung

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